Friday, September 7, 2012

Sir Alan Sugar's Rolls Royce

Yesterday afternoon I spotted Alan Sugar's Rolls Royce on Charlotte St in London's West End. I was surprised because while I know his personalised AMS I number-plate (standing for Alan Michael Sugar, just like his company Amstrad also started with his initials AMS), I'm more accustomed to spotting this plate on his Phantom. Well you wouldn't believe it, the big man has gone and DOWN-GRADED from a Phantom to a Ghost. I wonder why? Maybe it's for nipping 'round in London traffic.

So here's his new Ghost with his chauffeur waiting which I saw yesterday. Yep, I went all paparazzo on it.

And here's his previous car, a Phantom which used to sport these plates. He could still own it, but then I don't understand why he'd put his trademark licence plates on the Ghost.

If you want to see more of a Ghost- watch this test drive clip from the US:


  1. Because the Ghost is far better looking than the Phantom, is far quicker, more economical. Although it is significantly cheaper than a Phantowm EWB this is still a Ghost EWB. I would far prefer a ghost to a Phantom myself

  2. Ahh yes, but I wonder if any of his cars have been above 30mph here in London. And why would Mr Amstrad himself be worried about which is more economical? If I was driving, I'd want a ghost, but if I was being driven, I'd want a phantom for sure.
